
Success Story

Successful PMDA Consultation Leading to Licensing to Japanese Company

Successful PMDA Consultation Leading to Licensing to Japanese Company Image
Successful PMDA Consultation Leading to Licensing to Japanese Company Image

Company B, which had no operations in Japan, sought the expertise of CoreMed for development strategy and a PMDA consultation meeting. The meeting was a success, leading Company B to establish a partnership with a Japanese company. With CoreMed’s continued support, they collaborated towards the J-NDA, and their product was subsequently approved.

Regulatory assessment

CoreMed evaluated their CMC, nonclinical and clinical data, and established a clinical development strategy for Japan.

PMDA consultation meeting

Based on the regulatory assessment, CoreMed organized a pre-Phase 1 consultation meeting with the PMDA on behalf of Company B. The main discussion points included:
  • - If the nonclinical study data was enough to start a clinical study in Japan
  • - Phase 1 protocol
  • - Overall development plan for the J-NDA
The outcome of the meeting was very positive, and Company B started the Phase 1 in Japan by appointing an In-Country Clinical Trial Caretaker (ICCC) who ran the study. CoreMed helped them find an ICCC and prepare Clinical Trial Notification. Occasionally, CoreMed advised Company B.

Finding a Japanese partner

With the successful outcome and Phase 1 data, Company B found a Japanese partner who would be a future MAH.

Further development towards the J-NDA

Company B and the Japanese partner collaborated towards the J-NDA. CoreMed still served as a regulatory consultant and helped with some tasks for Company B.
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